Here he/she is: Spike our new Bearded Dragon. The girls have been fascinated with him ever since we brought him home yesterday. He has eaten well and seems to have adjusted well. He doesn't shy away from me or is agressive when I go to put him in a seperate tank to feed him.
When Amanda and I went to the pet store to get Spike, we stood there and watched the two bearded dragons they had. One didn't give us the time of day and pretty much ignored us. Spike looked us up and down then came to the window where Amanda was standing and looked at her. That is when I knew the Spike was the one going home with us. He is pretty active and I saw him doing the arm waving thing earlier today.
Amanda and Kendra are not too thrilled about the crickets and Mckenna thinks they are bees. Of course any bug is a bee to Mckenna right now. They do like to watch him eat. They think its neat to watch him catch the crickets. I say "him" but I don't really know if it is a female or male dragon. I want to say that from nose to tip of tail he is about 4.5-5inches long. I haven't handled him much yet. I am waiting for him to get a little more comfortable in his new environment.